måndag 13 januari 2014

a homless child.

Everyday many children  are born. Some Children are not lucky and are born with no home. Children who are forced to spend their life on the street, begging for money or maybe have a tiny bit of luck and ends up in an orpanhange.

Some children, like me, goes to adoption.  I am lucky and honest when I say that I have had a great childhood, with loving parents who wanted nothing more than a child. Growing up in a safe home with a lot of loving people around me.
When I see young mothers in poor countries, homeless on the street with an infant, it seems so far a way in my reality. But is it? Maybe my biological mother was one of those young pregnant women on the street, begging tourists for money, together with a small infant that was me. I could have been one of those children forced to spend my life on the street, begging for money or I could have the tiniest bit of luck and end up in an orphanage.  But neither of that happend, I ended up in Sweden.

And I am lucky but I am full of questions about my roots.
I was planning to go to Sri Lanka in January, which is now and because of work and other things, I won't be able to go. But I make new plans to go this fall. I think it is important to do it soon because otherwise it might be to late.

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